Wednesday, March 23, 2016

9 Marks Weekender & Half Marathon in Washington DC

While Peter was up in Washington DC to help out with the International 9Marks Weekender he also ran the DC Half Marathon. Was a great time to be running through DC as the cheery blossoms were just coming out.

 Was great running thru the capitol
Boy was I sore when I finished
 Checking out DC with the weekender guys
 Think tank with Jamie and Giancarlo
Great time of fellowship, 
David on left and Javi on right came over from Spain
 Discussion time with Mark

Nicolas & Sam, (Argentina) Javi & David (Spain)
Watching Mark and the interns
 Elders meeting at CHBC
 Mark's great preaching on Sunday
Our Spanish connect with Mark, From the left Felix, Giancarlo, 
Daniel, Mark, Enrique, Jorge, Peter, Rick and Ryan